Deeper Connect devices offer a decentralized private network (DPN), enterprise-class cyber-security and Web 3.0 gateway features. In addition, it is also a node on Deeper Chain which follows the Proof of Credit (PoCr) consensus algorithm. By participating in Deeper Chain’s PoCr, users can also earn $DPR tokensthrough their contribution to the Deeper Network, which is Deeper Network mining. There are different levels of mining. Genesis node mining (highest mining rewards), pro-mining and basic mining.
Will Deeper Connect devices be able to mine DPR?
Deeper Network has decided to add the mining feature in an effort to grow the network. Users can apply to have their device added to the Deeper Chain one month after mainnet launches. Deeper Network then plans to gradually open the mining function on devices in an effort to monitor the health of the network. Users who want to participate in miningwill first have to stake 1,000 $DPR to place their node on the Deeper Chainand start with a credit score of zero. Usersthenhave the option to stake 5,000–100,000 $DPR to elevate credit scores to increase their mining rewards. See chart below:
How do we participate in basic mining?
Users must contribute to the network by connecting to the internet and sharing bandwidth. Once on the Deeper Chain, basic miners start with a credit score of 0 and must grow their organic credit score to 100 before DPR can be earned.
What Can Deeper Connect Mini Help with
No Annual Fees or Subscriptions
Coming fully loaded with DPN (Decentralized VPN), Ad blocking, and Cybersecurity features, the Deeper Connect Mini can save you over US$ 600 a year compared to subscribing to similar individual services.
Plug-and-Play Zero Configuration
Deeper Connect Mini is a truly all-in-one solution requiring minimal configuration to connect to all your devices, with the includedWi-Fi Adapter simply set up the Pico at home or on the go to enjoy all of its amazing features.
Enterprise-level cybersecurity
Deeper Connect offers enterprise-level cybersecurity service that shields from viruses and Trojans, prevents malicious tracking, detects intrusions and restores safety online. 7-layer enterprise grade firewall scans each packet and brings home the security of next-generation technology.
Ad Blocking
Deeper Connect is the world's first home network security device that can block encrypted Ads such as those on Youtube. Block annoying Ads and pop-up windows, return to a pure Internet environment.
Bitcoin Merch® Bitaxe 401 Supra + Power Supply Miner 600GH/s
HONEST REVIEW … first miner arrives unassembled & refurbished … sent off for exchange … more downtime from mining … I’ll leave a review for the replacement when it arrives
So i order with an upgrade fan but received the non upgraded fan... They refund me the upgrade fan very fast. Really great customer service. Great little device but little bit pricey if you order from canada.
Buyer BEWARE!!!! Its USED!!!!! mine arrived DOA didn't even work big label on box said USED!!! save some money and buy new on Amazon cheaper and that's where they ship it from anyways for a 50 more dollar fee and don't have to deal with support. Its a USED!!!!!!!!! PSU
So i order with an upgrade fan but received the non upgraded fan... They refund me the upgrade fan very fast. Really great customer service. Great little device but little bit pricey if you order from canada.
Bitcoin Merch® - Bitaxe Gamma 601 SOLO Miner + Power Supply Upto 1.2TH/s
Dream setup
Not gonna lie this set up right here is everything ive ever wanted, it is efficient and practical, i hope y'all keep making these products readily available!!!
3 x GekkoScience COMPAC F COMBO - FULL KIT Ready-To-Mine Up to 1.05+TH/s
Rudolf Grundentaler
Bitaxe Gamma 601
Dear Bitcoinmerch Team,
have received my Gamma 601 on monday, 17.02.2025.
Today i have setup the device and very happy about it.
I was really suprised about the tiny size :D
Now let´s go for mining !
Bitcoin Merch® - Bitaxe Gamma 601 SOLO Miner + Power Supply Upto 1.2TH/s
Over Achiever
This little USB is most likely one of the best beginner miners out there, especially for its low price. Although it is slow, it’s is very fast for a little USB that fits in your pocket.
Bitcoin Merch® - 7x NerdMiner 2 - USB Solo Miner COMBO
Joyce Camden
So fun!
Fun new way to mine bitcoin!
Bitcoin Merch® - 7x NerdMiner 2 - USB Solo Miner COMBO