How to Set Up the $25 USB Nerd Miner

  1. Connect the USB Nerd Miner:

    • Plug your Nerd Miner into a USB port on your computer or a power source.
    • After a few seconds, a message will appear on the display instructing you to connect to its Wi-Fi.
  2. Connect to the NerdMiner Wi-Fi:

    • On your smartphone or PC, go to Wi-Fi settings and select the network NerdMinerAP.
    • Use the password: MineYourCoins to connect.
  3. Configure Wi-Fi & Bitcoin Address:

    • Once connected, your device will open a browser page automatically. If it doesn't, manually navigate to in your web browser.
    • Choose Configure Wi-Fi, select your home Wi-Fi network, and input your Wi-Fi password.
    • In the field for “Your BTC address,” input your Bitcoin wallet address (this is where block rewards will be sent if your miner finds a block). Ensure to remove any placeholder text like "yourBtcAddress."
  4. Start Mining:

    • Once you've entered your details, hit Save and restart your Nerd Miner.
    • It will automatically connect to your Wi-Fi network and start mining. You can monitor your miner’s progress on the mining pool's website by entering your Bitcoin address.

Get Your Nerd Miner Today!

At just $25, the Nerd Miner is an affordable way to experience solo Bitcoin mining! Perfect for beginners and enthusiasts alike. Grab yours now at and start your mining journey today!

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